Verse: Sparksong
Challenges: Chocolate Chip Mint #6 (lazy), Rocky Road #14 (on the road) + pocky chain + cherry (actual haiku this time, I double-checked.)
Summary: N/A
Rating: PG-13 (implied something - rape if you take the quote-reference as the source did, harassment at least)
Notes: Haiku chain with last word of each segment the first word of the next. POVs go: Conri, Takoda, Julian, 3rd person omniscient x2. Debating how creepy I want Takoda to be. Hmm.
"Flake," thought in anger,
That smile irking me then,
And now: lazied grin.
Grin - does he know? Guess?
Never let them know you care.
Though, it did amuse.
Amuse! Really, love,
Worse than killing lust is more
Than pretty words: Stop.
Stop on the road now,
Hum a tune of winter's moon,
Beasts? Watching? Chilly.
Chilly, they linger
Awhile, long winter staring
Back in ev'ry flake.