Shortstuff (FOTW, Kiwi-Strawberry and Pocky)

Jun 23, 2013 16:00

'Verse: Sparksong
Challenges: Summer Challenge FotW (Huckleberry #14: good things come in small packages) + Kiwi-Strawberry #12 (dischord) + Pocky
Title: Shortstuff
Summary: Rivalry and priorities.
Wordcount: 100
Rating: PG
Notes: Meivu is very short and has the accompanying complex as well. Hence even Irene (who is rather tongue-tied and much prefers rough-and-tumble to verbal war) can see the big glowing buttons that say 'press me!'

Zahra took in a breath.

Behind, Meivu and Irene's argument had dissolved into rapid fire insults. Meivu was far more creative, but Irene must have had coaching: she was holding her own and even flustering the river-daughter with her constant height jibes.

Zahra was torn: impressed or exasperated? Irene had rights, but if someone was helping her make the fights worse... Meivu had started it, but she was also an increasingly valuable member of the group due to the imminent war and had no obligation to help.

Did good things come in small packages?

Depends on the definition of 'good'.

[challenge] kiwi-strawberry, [extra] pocky, [author] likelolwhat, [challenge] huckleberry

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