Omens (Vanilla, Strawberry Banana, Rocky Road + Pocky + Whipped Cream)

Jul 27, 2013 20:31

I'm back from vacation! Please please let us have an Amnesty Week? I feel like I missed so much...

Master Work: Sparksong
Challenges/Toppings/Extras: Vanilla #8 (my mentor/idol/hero), Strawberry Banana #1 (a good omen), Rocky Road #28 (up in the air) + Pocky and Whipped Cream
Rating: PG-13 (possible trigger; involves Zahra’s scar and insensitive comments)
Title: Omens
Summary: The sky-watcher’s lesson.
Notes: A week or so after Heat.

Her face itched. When she brought up a hand to scratch at her bandages, Sarin slapped it away. “Be still, child,” he said after the fourth attempt, “watch.”

Whining lowly, she looked where he pointed. “The mountains?”

“No, before them. Don’t see it? Children’s eyes… it’s a cloud. Good sign your new cousin is healthy.”

“Another one?”

“Hush. You’ll learn to love them. And better a healthy child than an unhealthy one, hmm?”

“I s’pose,” she grumbled-

Was that about my face?

“Darling child, I didn’t mean…”

She didn’t hear him.

She was flying, sand burning beneath her bare feet.

[challenge] rocky road, [topping] whipped cream, [extra] pocky, [challenge] strawberry banana, [author] likelolwhat, [challenge] vanilla

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