‘Verse: ☼ The Sun, Radiant ☼
Flavors/Toppings/Extras: Chocolate Chip Mint #29 (invisible), Strawberry Banana #16 (out of habit), FotW: Guava #18 (just what I always wanted) + Cherry (haven't done poetry in a while)
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 169
Title: Unseen
Summary: What do our habits say about us?
Notes: Meh. This was originally going to rhyme, but I hated having to twist my words around that self-imposed rule.
I tread in the wake of greater forces than I.
My love, my riddle, my sun-kissed queen,
for whom a smile is a secret,
this I do for you:
Love, that roots in my heart,
that drapes tendrils across my mind,
that flowers upon my sleeves, burning fire lily-
Ah, that I could express it.
All this I do,
watching, waiting,
eyes darting, ears straining.
Even my feeble human nose flares for danger.
What do our habits say about us?
The watch has been lax of late,
falling back to old routines.
I know because I cannot bear not to.
I want to hear their stories when they know I'm there.
I have achieved invisibility,
and my feat has become my prison.
I do not wish to burden you
with this trap of my own making
but you have ever been able to brush away the dead leaves
and see the bud beneath.
Just what I always wanted, I breathe-
and laugh until you kiss the tears away.