Rocky Road #28. Up in the Air with a CHERRY
Rating : G
Timeframe : mid 1260's
I had to load a new icon just to post this. I refuse to say who is speaking or whom they are speaking to. Guess! Mwahahahaha! Also, the prompt is really expressed more in the presentation than the content. Cherry for all that & 1st/2nd person PoV.
I miss you.
Although, I suppose I see you every day. She looks just like you, you know, most of all when she smiles. Her face can barely contain the thing, and no one around her can help but smile as well. Then there are those eyes, deep beyond her years. At times it hurts to look at them, because I swear it is you looking back at me.
I should think I would miss you less, having her to remind me. I find it to be like living with your shadow. Somehow it makes things worse, if that makes any sense. I never was much use at explaining such things. I can hear your laughter now. You always did appreciate it when I managed to fluster myself.
I wish you could see her. I wonder if you would see yourself in her the way that I do, and I know you would be proud to call her yours.