Strawberry #2. Curtains
Rating : PG-13
Timeframe : Fall 1260
After the last piece, I feel the need to point out that Rune & Lyssa can be sappy. It just often requires extenuating circumstances.
The sun cut a sharp swath through the darkness as Lyssa forced open the curtains. She cast a worried glance to the figure huddled in the corner chair. Rune barely blinked at the sudden flood of light. With a sigh, she crossed the room.
“It does neither of you good to sit here in the dark,” she said.
“He’s sleeping.” His voice was flat and his eyes remained downcast.
Lyssa eyed the tiny bundle in his arms. “He’ll sleep just as well in the sunlight.” She crouched at Rune’s feet and brushed the hair back from his face. Eyes rimmed dark with lack of sleep returned her gaze. “You don't need to punish yourself. He's alive.” Both looked to the sleeping form tucked among the blankets. Lyssa had to admit she’d never spent much time around babies, but she couldn’t recall ever seeing one so small.
“But Shasa,” he said.
Her hand slid around his chin and she forced him to look back up. Tears pooled in his eyes. “Gods know you fought harder for her life than she did. Sulking about in the dark won’t change what’s done, and it won’t protect him either.” Rune chewed his lip in silence. “We need you,” she said, her hand sliding up along his cheek. “I need you. You’re…you’re scaring me. I need you to be you again.” She cursed the tears that threatened her own eyes.
“I love you,” she said. She laid a kiss on his forehead and gave him one last look before she turned and strode out of the room.