Breaking the Ice

Sep 01, 2009 00:01

There has been a trend, as of late, in this community that we, the mods, have noticed, and I suspect some of our older members have as well. Many posts lately are going with few or no comments. We are seeing a rise in the number of members that do not seem to be reading much of what is posted, while continuing to post their own works.

Before anyone jumps up, all offended, and says Hey! I read! This is not an attack on anyone. This is not directed at anyone in particular or meant to offend in any way. It is a general observation and a hope that we might, somehow, collectively do something about it

What makes RaTs such a great community is that as members we become invested in each other's stories. Everyone's pieces are parts of their whole works, ongoing stories that can draw you in to something greater. If you are reading pieces at random - and especially if you are doing so in an effort to 'pay your dues' so others will read you, you are missing out on the real experience RaTs has to offer. We are not about to, nor will we ever, require commenting, but it is a fact of community life that those that do not contribute something go largely ignored, and a genuine investment and interest is what one needs to offer here. (and with all the stories to offer, that should not be a difficult or painful task)

I can see why it might be hard for new members to get into ongoing stories - there are just so many of them, you don't know where to start. I can see where it might be hard for old members to get into new ones - you have a bunch you are already juggling, and you've seen so many new folk come and go over time, it's hard to commit to every one that comes along.

One of the by-products of the size and variation of RaTs is that groups tend to form. Most of the longer term members have several authors they follow. You don't need to feel you have to read everyone. Try everyone at least once, but stick to the ones you like and actually get into and follow their stories. (Most of us would much prefer a handful of readers who visit our works often enough to get the big picture to the occasional, non-commital notice by many readers) You might like a particular genre, or a particular style or specific subject matter. Find something that interests you about a few of the ongoing tales and follow those. Quite often that author will enjoy yours as well.

So, how do you find stories you like? Reading at random, giving various people a shot, might help you catch a few. We propose a little exercise here to help as well. You've probably all seen friending meme's and comms before, so here goes the RaTs version. Leave a comment here and advertise your story via the answers to the following questions. (if you have multiple stories offer the story-related answers in a separate chunk in the same comment) Then be sure to come back and check out others' answers and find some stories you might like.

Name :
RaTs Member since :
Story (with index page if you have one) :
Genre :
Summary/Pitch (keep it concise, please) :
Sample/Quote (again, something short) :
Favorite Piece(s) or Good Pieces to Start With :
If you like mine, you might also like (optional):

This will remain at the top of the comm for 1 month so you can easily view new additions. Please do so and find some new stories to read.

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