Title: Welcome (Carob 27)

Sep 19, 2009 18:35

Author: Erethas
Challenge: Carob 27 -Existentialism,
Title: Welcome
Story: Falkens
Rating: G
Summary: A hatchling emerges from his egg.
Notes: There is something important indirect, but keep it to yourself.
Edit: It doesn't have the group tags option on, phooie, I can't add my author tag, or challenge tag.

It was dark in there, and tight, so tight. It did not hear or see, but it felt vibrations, and it wanted to get out, and knew that there was more than the darkness. It rubbed and bashed at the hardness, desperate, and then suddenly, it's nose broke through. It startled, and and eagerly renewed its attack, and with a large crackthe entrapping walls collasped, and the dragonet found itself among a pile of
curving shatds.

There was a low, regular sound - breathing - and warm air blew over him, smelling strongly of something he didn't know but made him feel hunger, and another stronger smell that meant comfort and security. A large rough thing, much larger than his whole body, was nudging him all over throughly but gently, and quite suddenly it stopped, unexpectedly.

Briefly there was a silence, not just a silence but an absence of breath, and he could not help feeling that that there was something, almost undiscernable. It was new and strange he wondered if something was wrong but then came a sound, a beautiful heavenly sound he had heard through his shell but muffled, and it directed to him, for him, and filled with love.

"Welcome, little one."

[challenge] carob

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