Title: Simple Gifts
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Vanilla 24 (a gift), chocolate 11 (confusion), strawberry 14 (stairs), whipped cream (Aaron), pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: Pure G.
Summary: Nathan's commander gives him an unexpected present.
Notes: This took way too much research for 100 words. Also, Nathan is still in the Navy at this point, but not for much longer.
Nathan looked up and saluted hastily, wondering if he really deserved that tone. The commander paused at the head of the stairs, surveying him, then said, "You're on leave. Get out of here."
Ah. What? "Sir," he said, cautiously, "I was under the impression that my leave started tomorrow."
The commander almost cracked a smile. "There's ten pounds of brand new baby boy says it starts now. Bring us pictures when you come back." Then he was gone, lieutenants fluttering in his wake.
Nathan spent half a minute in pure shock, then nearly teleported down the stairs.
A boy!