Title: Three Bouncing Balls
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Vanilla 19 (games/sports), chocolate 9 (resentment), strawberry 6 (pocketwatch), malt (12 Days- three bouncing balls), pocky chain.
Word Count: 303
Rating: PG for some swearing.
Summary: My gentlemen, and sports. Companion to
"Four Ways of Going Home."Notes: Concrit welcome if you're willing to give it!
1. Aaron
Aaron plays basketball with his sisters, and loses every goddamn time.
It's not because they gang up on him, though they do-- Summer still wanders off to chase butterflies, and Ivy still cheats, gets called out, and claims that whatever she did was legal. Ganging up on him just evens the playing field. And it's not because they're his sisters, and he's scared to beat a girl-- he's not.
It's Ivy, dribbling, her gleeful expression daring him to intercept; and Summer, perched on her sister's shoulders to dunk the ball, her face full of joy.
He doesn't mind losing anymore.
2. Jake
Jake hates soccer. He knows it's stupid, but he does.
It all goes back to those first few days in state care, a nine-year-old newly-minted orphan who couldn't adjust. A social worker (who meant well, he was sure) had come up to him and suggested in a kind voice that he go play with the other kids. They were playing soccer, see? Didn't he want to play soccer?
He wanted to hit her. He almost did.
He's twenty-five, and he should be over this by now. But he's not. He still hates that social worker.
And he still hates soccer.
3. Lars
Lars carries a pocket watch, because it makes him feel cool, but he plays golf, because he knows he's a dork.
Not just any golf, either. Miniature golf.
He got addicted when he and Aaron started to babysit for Aaron's littlest sister. They'd take turns playing and getting beers while Summer concentrated, frowning a little, so serious. She always beat them, even after they started trying to win.
Minigolf's how he got his watch, as a prize. It barely works, and ticks funny. But then, so does he. Which is why he plays minigolf, badly.
It all makes sense. Really.