Title: The Poetry Attempts of Lars Warmind, Esquire, with Additional Commentary by His Best Friend's Sister, Miss Ivy Hirschfeld-Kendall
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors and Toppings: Vanilla 13 (a day at the beach), chocolate 25 (inspiration), strawberry 4 (sunrise/sunset), cherry (this... whatever this is).
Word Count: 158
Rating: PG for one swear word
Summary: Exactly what it says on the tin.
Notes: I am tentatively claiming this as a silver (or bronze, whatever) medal for Team Inconvienent Fire Drill for poetry, but if Ivy's commentary disqualifies it, that's totally fine. Uh... I really have no explanation for this.
I am writing this
with my toes in the sand
to let you know
you are my inspiration
with your sunny smile and
eyes like tide pools.
I really don't think tide pools is a flattering description.
The sun sets the sea
On fire. I am soaked in brine.
Seaweed in your smile.
Seaweed in your smile? Lars! I thought we were friends! How dare you smoke the good stuff and not share?
Also, haiku is maybe not your forte.
I sit upon the beach at sunset now
And wonder where your travels take your feet
And wonder if you ever think somehow
Of me, alone, desiring of your
Beat? Meet? Seat? Where were you going with this?
So fuck it, a limerick will do.
My love for you, dearest, is true.
The rhyme may be weird,
But maybe you're cheered
And that's all I wanted to do.
Love, Lars.
(Ivy, stop stealing my papers)
That doesn't rhyme.