Title: What I Did On My Summer Vacation, by Danny Sierbenski
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Vanilla 14 (around the campfire), chocolate 10 (awe), strawberry 11 (apron), whipped cream (Danny is eight), cherry, pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG.
Summary: Danny's first essay in third grade.
Notes: She got a C because it was too short. In case you're curious. Also, I just finished these three flavors. *dances*
On my summer vacation I went to camp. I won it in a contest for kids with sick brothers.
I didn't like anyone. They said I would but nobody would talk to me and the girls were all stupid anyway so I didn't care.
I learned to light a fire. Mrs. Katz told me how it works. That was really cool.
Mrs. Katz is the camp director. She wore an apron all the time. I liked her even though she called me "Daniella." She hugged nice.
She made me go back though.
Camp is stupid.
I want to go back.