Title: Horticulture Shock
Story Continuity:
Battle For the Sun extra
Flavor: Rocky Road 2: countryside, Cantaloupe 9: trademark, Rhubarb 27: stop and smell the roses
Extra/Topping: Pocky, Whipped Cream
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Summary: Little!Cyprian thinks you would be surprised to learn that many people offend flowers without even knowing it. And, very possibly, bored. It's true; no one respects the little people (or, as the case may be, the big people).
The first time of many Cyprian was told to "stop and smell the roses," his eyebrows were raised virtually higher than his hairline.
"It's rude to smell roses. That's like sniffing a stranger's breath."
The old woman's smile faltered, and Cyprian felt oddly good about that. Mrs. Daveeni owned the trademark for the word shrew, anyway.
"There's no proper place to get started on salads, either," Cyprian said. "Eat as many as you like - and I know you will, between shortcakes. At least veal is dead."
After that, Cyprian didn't see much in the way of shortcakes himself for months.