Title: Here Is
Main Story:
In the Heart Flavors, Toppings, Extras: Chocolate chip mint 17 (familiar), fudge ripple 23 (lust), FOTD (slake: to satisfy), pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: Um, better make it an R.
Summary: Here is Gina, and here is Ivy, and here is where they stay.
Notes: This is probably the closest I will ever get to smut.
Here is the curve of Gina's shoulder, and the arch of her collarbone fragile under her skin. Here is a curl of hair, honey-colored now that she's stopped bleaching it. Here is the swell of her breast, the dip of her stomach, the hollow of her navel-- she giggles when Ivy's tongue flicks out.
There is Ivy's hand between her legs. There is Ivy's mouth on her thigh. There are hips moving, fingers stroking, red curls and blonde intermingled on the pillow.
Here is where they are, breathing mouth to mouth, lying heart to heart.
Here is what is real.