Author: Casey
Story: Nothing is Ever Easy (NIEE) universe, during NIEE
Challenge: Cayenne 15 (weapons drawn), Mocha 1 (I think I can)
Toppings: None
Extras: Pocky
Word Count: 98
Rating: G
Summary: A first battle
Notes: None, I don’t think.
“It’s time.”
Jez straightened, watching as their group drew their weapons, ready to fight for their freedom. She fingered her own sword, but clutched her bow, prepared to fire down a round of arrows first.
She glanced at Bri, whose usual mask of sobriety had descended at the signal. He managed a smile, though. “You okay with this? Can you do it?”
She bit her lip but nodded. “I think I can. I have to, don’t I?”
“Too late now,” he agreed.
Jez took a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”
“There’s the signal,” Bri said.
And it began.