Title: Burning Bridges
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Chocolate chip mint 10 (luminous), fudge ripple 20 (denial), hot fudge, pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG.
Summary: Yvonne starts to figure it out. Follows
Escape and
Take Cover.Notes: Followup coming later today.
It is on an idle, luminous fall morning that Yvonne decides to call her daughter.
She doesn't do it often. Frankly, Olivia doesn't interest her very much. But her current lover finds motherly concern attractive, and Yvonne has learned to use what she has. So she gives him a smile and says she'll just be a moment, slips through the sunbeams and into the house.
Olivia's cell phone doesn't connect. She must have forgotten the bill. Yvonne calls her dormitory instead.
They've never heard of Olivia.
The realization starts a slow boil in her belly.
She can't be gone.