Author: Marina
Story: Shifts universe (
Challenge: Chocolate 30 (joy), Pistachio 1 (meeting)
Toppings/Extras: Rainbow Sprinkles (Joy), Cherry (present tense), Pocky
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Joy’s perspective on seeing Drew for the first time in twelve years.
Notes: This scene will be rewritten in first person from Drew’s POV in the actual story, but first person is limiting and Drew is full of righteous anger at this point, so we won’t go into that much of how Joy feels about it all. Also, I felt like it. (And with this piece I have officially finished Spumoni so HUZZAH)
She should be angry, but she isn’t. All she feels is an indescribable longing for the child she knows is no longer really hers but whom she will never stop loving regardless. She has to see him, or she’ll go insane.
The door gives way, bringing her face-to-face with what she can tell is her spitting image, despite-or maybe because of-the splotchy purple bruises that line the left side of his face. “Derek?”
He gives her a smile that isn’t really a smile. “It’s Drew,” he corrects, gently.
There’s nothing Rupert can do. This is her victory.