askingxalice Title: Cause I Can
Summary: Just like Chloe taught her, Grace will do anything to get what she wants.
Second GenesisTimeline: September 2035 - Grace is 12.
Challenge: Soy #1 (brown nose), Starfruit #2 (two can play that game), Candy Bar Crunch #18 (a leg to stand on)
Extra: Malt (Summer Challenge - Your efforts will be worthwhile)
Word Count: 482
Rating: G
Considering that she was the youngest of five siblings, it came as no surprise to anyone that Grace was competitive. She liked to be the first to finish her homework, the first to answer the door when guests came over, and the first to greet Chloe when she visited. So, of course, it was only natural that she would want to be the first in her class as well. And just like Chloe taught her, you needed to be willing to do anything to get what you want.
As much as Grace would hate to admit it, she knew she wouldn’t become the first in her class just by sabotaging her classmate’s homework and test scores. Studying only took you so far, though. It wasn’t like her parents were around much to help her with homework, and Chastity and Penn could only help her so much before their own studies called. Studying each night and making sure to triple check her homework only got her into second place, while Carley McKinnon came first in the class. After that, extreme measures had to be taken.
She made sure to bring things to the teacher every now and then; a few cookies, some flowers, a drawing or two. Grace knew that you couldn’t bribe someone into giving you good grades, of course, but it was nice to butter them up if you planned to do some things that might get you in trouble. She’d much rather be a suck up who the teacher thought could do no wrong, instead of the girl that couldn’t get away with anything to save her life. As for the girl that was in first place... That was trickier. Grace would never do anything completely evil to get her way - she still remembered how furious her parents had been when Faith had been suspended for two weeks after cutting off another girl’s braid a few years back - but that didn’t mean she had to play nice.
It became much, much easier once she found out that Carley was absolutely terrified of anything and everything that could go bump in the night. Immediately, Grace made it a priority to loudly tell her best ghost stories whenever Carley was within earshot at recess, and before and after school. After that, she moved on to describing Altar and Faith’s favorite zombie movies - in detail. It wasn’t long before Carley started coming to school with bags under her eyes from many a sleepless night, which was when Grace stopped. All it would take was a few low test scores for Carley’s grade to drop, which was all Grace wanted. She didn’t want to put the girl in therapy or anything!
But that didn’t stop the small thrill of absolute victory that she felt once her name replaced Carley’s in the top spot on Mrs. McKee’s list of ‘Top Five Students’.
askingxalice Title: One Foot Wrong
Summary: Never piss off Faith. Ever.
Second GenesisTimeline: February 2031 - Faith is 15.
Challenge: Soy #11 (unsubstantiated), Strawberry #28 (waves), Candy Bar Crunch #27 (splitting hairs)
Extra: Pocky
Word Count: 98
Rating: PG-13
It all started when Faith said something mean, and it wasn’t even on purpose. How was she supposed to know that she accidentally called the most popular girl in ninth grade fat? The rumors started soon enough; hateful, fast spreading lies that involved the words ‘whore’ and ‘slut’.
Really, the girl should have known that revenge was imminent. Faith had no idea why Whatsherface was so surprised when she suddenly found her waist length braid cut off at the neck, or why she even got suspended for so long. In her mind, it was completely provoked and justified.
askingxalice Title: Things I’ll Never Say
Summary: Chastity’s thoughts on class participation.
Second GenesisTimeline: October 2035 - Chastity is 17.
Challenge: Candy Bar Crunch #6 (head in the clouds), Starfruit #27 (my lips are sealed), Strawberry #2 (curtains)
Extra: Pocky
Word Count: 95
Rating: G
It’s not that Chastity was stupid. Her homework and test scores easily kept her first in her grade. But she didn’t see the point in broadcasting it around. So, when the teachers called on her to participate, she gave the shortest answers possible. Really, she was much more content to watch the world outside the curtained windows and let her thoughts wander until it came time to actually think.
Until they got that through her heads, her teachers could suck it up, and continue to write ‘Does poor in class participation’ on her report cards.