Author: Casey
Story: Shifts:
Index - Post-Shifts
Challenge: Guava 11 (the time has come) & French Vanilla 1 (déjà vu)
Toppings & Extras: Sprinkles, Caramel, Malt (Summer Challenge Ice Cream 98: (Cherry) All dialogue), Cherry, Pocky
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Mariah’s a little exasperated.
Notes: This relates to both
this picture/pocky and the other piece I posted today. Mariah’s around 13 here.
“Okay, Mariah, if you’re done with your homework, I’ll check it now.”
“Mom, I’m in seventh grade. You don’t need to check my homework!”
“Don’t debate with me.”
“Fine, then I’m not done with my homework.”
“Then you had better not be playing Xbox with your brother.”
“Aw, Mom.”
“Don’t give me that.”
“I was five when I drew that picture. I’m not little! I know we can’t talk about magic and that Elie shouldn’t burn Abraham because he’s not evil anymore.”
“Okay, you made your point. But I better not hear from your teacher.”
“Thank god.”
“Mariah Lee!”