Title: Olivia's Lullaby
Main Story:
In The HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Rum raisin 1 (mother), malt (ninablues's trick or treat: It’s a bit old but it’s mine-“Driving In My Car”, Madness), caramel, ice cream sandwich, cherry (this is the first time I have ever recorded my own voice).
Word Count: 48
Rating: G
Summary: Olivia sings the same lullaby to her daughters that her father sang to her.
Notes: Hopefully the embed will work. *crosses fingers* It's the first time I've done this.
Hush my darling, don't you cry
For we are safe and sound
The sun has sunk beyond the hills
The moon her heights has found
The stars are twinkling up above
Bright and clean and clear
So hush my darling, don't you cry
For I am always here
download link if you want it