Title: Wisdom
Main Story:
In The Heart Flavors, Toppings, Extras: Creamsicle 8 (wisdom), rainbow sprinkles (Vanessa), hot fudge (Vanessa), pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Summary: She's very good at this part of the game.
She's very good at this part of the game. The glances, the laughter, the sly little touches. She can reel them in like an expert angler.
One must be good at reading people to do this well, and she's one of the best. With Gina, for example, she saw the insecurity under all that beauty and thought here, here was someone she could use. Today she sees a spine of rubber under an iron surface, and knows here is someone she can mold.
She's very good at enticement, at drawing them in.
If only she was good at keeping them.