Story: Timeless {
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Title: Contemplations on Virtue
Rating: PG-13 (adult themes)
Challenge: Blueberry Yoghurt #29: the first time
Toppings/Extras: cherry (“interview”)
Wordcount: 1,014
Summary: The cast of Timeless discuss their first times.
Notes: I now know more about my characters than I ever needed to. Not explicit at all. :)
Well, Verity, of course.
Boarding school doesn’t count.
Can you believe I saved myself for my husband? What a waste. Our wedding night... ah, I think it’s the only time I’ve ever seen him look even a little bit nervous. It wasn’t brilliant and I wasn’t convinced by it. Though I became much fonder of sex later... to me though, sex and love are two different spheres. No matter who I slept with, Edward was always going to be the husband to which I would faithfully return. Unfortunately, he didn’t see it that way... it would have been different if he’d paid me any kind of attention... even a kiss now and again. Is that so much to ask?
Talk about a trip down memory lane. It was all Charlie’s idea, o’ course. He was out and about with all sorts of ladies long before I was. Thought himself quite the expert... hah. You should’ve seen the mess I was when I was a teenager. Always in true, irrevocable love with someone or other-and always girls far out of my league, too. It was funny. It was like a running gag, being outrageously lovesick. I miss those days.
What? How the hell am I meant to remember that? It was... hmm. No. Apologies. Can’t remember his name. It was brief, I was disappointed by it. I made him change the sheets on my bed afterwards. Then I kicked him out. I just figured, what was the point in waiting for someone so goddamn ‘special’ if he never arrived? I mean, he didn’t.
For a while.
Sold my virginity for sixty quid to some naff Firebird chieftain type. Wasn’t anything to shout about, I can tell you now. But whatever. Who gives a shit? It paid the rent. I’ve never, ever told Simmins this. Because... fuckin’ hell, he would go ballistic. It’d be even worse if he found out I still sell sex sometimes. He tries so hard to protect me. But I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do-how else does he think I paid for my bike? He’s a bit dim, old Simmins, I’ve got to say.
Oh, I don’t know. I went to private school, all we did was shag each other. I think she was called Tulip? What a fucking stupid name.
She was my girlfriend. We’d only been together one day but she offered. Yeah, we get real classy types like that in the lower levels. Pretty sure she was older than me-I dunno, I never asked. Wish I ‘ad. She was nice but I never really knew nothin’ about her. She had, like, this really sugary perfume. It was cheap an’ tacky but I remember it. I didn’t mind it at the time.
Oh, well, erm, that would be in Cambridge I suppose. My girlfriend at the time, Marpessa Lovelace. She was, well, she really was very nice. In her own way. She was a shouter. Not during sex, just... in general. Always shouting at everyone. Came from a very rich family, you see. I met her father once. Scary chap. Said that she was to remain a virgin until marriage. That was after we’d done it, of course. Yes.
Would ‘ee believe me if I said it was with Liddy’s mother, Camila? ‘Cause it was. Oh, I were a very young lad when I met ‘er. Not even a cap’n, just a gen’ral dogsbody on the crew. I’ll admit it: I’ve had a fair few women in my time, but Camila’s always the one I drift back to, lovelorn fool that I am. Sometimes when she glares at me I can really feel that love again. I know what she means, aye. ‘Er brother’s a different story...
Oh, God... do we have to talk about this? It was... oh my God! I don’t even know what I saw in him! He was so... ahaha... you’re going to have to hold on a minute, I’m about to die of the giggles and I really don’t want you seeing that. It’s not dignified.
When you need to concentrate permanently to stop yourself from being tugged out of the current plane of reality, sex isn’t the easiest of pastimes. Actually, she said she never wanted to see me again.
Which I thought was a bit... mean.
Man! She had ginger eyebrows and brown hair. I thought when she pulled her knickers down I’d find a bunch of sodding daffodils. Ah, I’m not trying to be cruel, I just remember it so well. Nice girl, she was. An on-off thing. Mostly off, admittedly. That was before I realised that there were benefits to having a relationship. She was fun. A good sport. I think I could probably contact her again if I really wanted to-I wonder if her number’s still the same?
Sold it. Happens a lot in the lower levels. Don’t tell anyone, right? Nobody’s even meant to know I lived there. Too embarrassing. What would Brad think?
He was a good lad. Didn’t even know he was gay until he kissed me. Hell, didn’t even know I was gay. But there you go. And it’s been that way ever since. Well, not with the same boy. He died a while back during one of Newson’s raids. Blew his houseboat to bloody bits. I didn’t even... realise until later. But I’m straying from the topic.
Oh, wow. She was a real hotshot, my first time. I was quite late, relatively speaking-twenty. She was one of the real pirates, one of the only girls that came on our raids on the Nutriware vessels. Nothing sexier than a girl that can climb twenty feet of rope and blast her way through a reinforced door. It wasn’t a serious relationship thing, though. We both had too much to do and think about. ‘Other commitments,’ I think is the phrase.