Title: Ahava
Main Story:
In The HeartFlavors, Toppings and Extras: FOTD (consanguineous: of the same blood; related by birth; descended from the same parent or ancestor), pickle 2 (it's a girl), butterscotch, rainbow sprinkles (oh so very minor), pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG.
Summary: Love is giving. Arelie lets go.
Notes: Farid is Joanna's father. That's how minor these characters are. Much more explanation coming.
Love is giving. Arelie tries to remember this.
They asked if she wanted to hold her child-- no. They asked if she wanted to see -- no. She can't see or hold the baby, because she will be selfish if she does. Keeping things. Love is giving.
"It's a girl," one nurse says. "Don't you even want to name her?"
"I did," Arelie says. "The adoptive parents agreed. Ahava."
Ahava. Love.
Arelie cries when she thinks about it, later. The baby's all she has left of Farid, and she walked away, because she couldn't hold on.
Love is giving.