Title: Retribution
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Peppermint 21 (tears),
My Treat (Ivy's first breakup), malt (Nathan: Tough Break, Kid), rainbow sprinkles (Nathan and Gail), pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Nathan doesn't think this is very funny.
Notes: This is... probably not the direction Sara expected me to take this prompt, but predictability is for wimps.
Gail dropped down on their bed and laughed until she cried.
"I don't think that there's anything funny about this," Nathan said, "and I don't think Ivy would either."
"I'm not laughing at Ivy," Gail pointed out, but got control over herself. "Whew. I think it's incredibly funny."
"What about it makes you laugh?" he demanded.
She giggled. "Just the image of you telling our daughter you're upset that she's gay because it means you can't beat up her significant others when they break her heart."
"Well, I can't punch a girl!" Nathan said, indignantly.
Gail collapsed into laughter again.