Story: Timeless {
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Title: Goodbye Darlings
Rating: G
Challenge: FOTD: demagogue, Rocky Road #17: mountain/a rock/ledge
Toppings/Extras: sprinkles, fresh blueberries, cherry
Wordcount: 188
Summary: Robert Christchurch is off to fight in a jolly good war.
Notes: I think I’ve only mentioned him once or twice; Robert Christchurch is Ashdown’s idiot cousin who dies in the Battle of Torrington. Ashdown never likes him much but I do… he’s kind of tragically gullible and hopelessly posh. Demagogue: A leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace. Blueberries: Most men judge only by their senses and let themselves be persuaded by what they see.
Goodbye, darlings, goodbye. I am off to the war! To fight for our King, our Blessed Sovereign, our Royal Highness, against those rather awful chaps working under General Fairfax.
Jane, my dear wife, be good and Believe. Pray for us every morning and night!
Catherine, lovely little girl, I shall be back before you know it.
It’s a jolly exciting time for us all. Being of the gentry, I am allowed in the cavalry, even the dragoons! Very exciting! (Though I’m not wonderful with a musket.) We’ll charge, all together, and a lot of my good old friends will be there. We’re all joining Wentworth’s cavalry! Heading to the South-West to defend the Prince of Wales against all that threatens him.
I’m not certain who’s winning and who’s losing but Sir Richard Grenville gave a jolly good speech, all tall and sharp on the top of a rock, voice like a fist, rousing and strong. Yes! It will be a good day to be English and the sun will set on our victory.
(That’s what he said. It sounds nice, doesn’t it? He’s a good old stick.)