Title: Rude Awakenings
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Cherry chocolate chip 6 (defeat), rainbow sherbet 8 (black), malt (PFAH: Jake : the lion sleeps tonight), caramel, pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG.
Summary: In the mighty New York jungle, the lion may sleep tonight, but Jake's daughters don't.
Notes: More silliness.
Jake blinked up at the black expanse of ceiling for a moment before realizing that he was awake. Again. Dammit.
Okay. Why was he awake this time? He closed his eyes to listen.
No screams on the baby moniter like last time. No more mysterious noises from Vivian's room like the time before. Beside him, Olivia breathed in a soft whistle. Outside...
Ouside, the floor was creaking.
"Felicity Jane Foster," he called, without opening his eyes, "get back in your room right now!"
A gasp, then scrabbling noises.
Jake sighed. At this rate he'd be lucky to sleep at all.