Title: This Is What It Is
Main Story: In the Heart
Flavors, Toppings, Extras: Cherry chocolate chip 23 (dread), malt (miimeichan's birthday prompt: I came, I saw, I lost.), pocky, cherry (first person).
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG.
Summary: This is what it feels like, or, Olivia on depression.
Notes: You know how some stories just write themselves?
It's waking up in the morning, and wondering if getting out of bed is worth it.
It's being afraid of everything, all the time, so afraid you want to throw up.
It's wanting to die every time you do something wrong, because you knew it, you knew you would screw up, you knew you were worthless.
It's looking at the things you do right, and measuring them against your mistakes, and finding them insignificant.
It's closing your eyes at night and praying that you'll never wake up.
It's opening your eyes in the morning, and being sorry that you did.