Story: Timeless {
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Title: Someday
Rating: G
Challenge: FOTD: kismet
Toppings/Extras: malt, chopped nuts
Wordcount: 313
Summary: Victor Blackledge doesn’t believe in destiny.
Notes: Vicbynverse once more! Kismet: Destiny; fate. Bingo: jumping through hoops + best friends + opening up + boyfriend + rare.
Victor didn’t believe in destiny.
It was too soft and unfastened and floating, too abstract a concept for him to really understand. It was like smoke. Things happened as a direct consequence as to what had happened before. Decisions, mistakes and the occasional sporadic occurrence of nature or fortune that nobody could control. But those weren’t anything to do with destiny. They were just things.
That was why he never really understood when Robyn said things like, “Wouldn’t it be weird if we had never met?”
“We did meet,” he said, which wasn’t even close to an answer to her question but he couldn’t think of anything else to say.
“I know,” Robyn replied with a grin. Her hair was scattered over her face a little because she was lying on her side, gazing at him across the bed. It looked nice. “I’m just glad we did. There’s nobody like you.”
“I’m a clone.”
“You’re ridiculous, is what you are.” Robyn was looking him right in the eye but instead of making him uncomfortable it made a warm calmness settle over his chest like a blanket. She had a smile that made his head feel soft.
She opened one of her hands up and faced the palm towards him.
He didn’t like being touched normally-it was silly, he felt, but that was just how it was and he and Robyn had the hand thing. He’d learned to stop feeling nervous about it after a while and now he laced his fingers through hers and their palms met. Her hand was warm and a little bit rough. He knew that she probably wanted someone who would hold her though she’d never say it, but that one could go under ‘someday’, whether they arrived there by destiny or something else.
‘Someday’ had a lot to answer for, but Victor was looking forwards to it.