Title: Prerogatives
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Cherry chocolate chip 21 (pleasure), malt (back to school 14 : Michael : I need some backup!), pocky, rainbow sprinkles (Michael).
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13.
Summary: Michael has plans.
Notes: Once again, all I know about WoW I learned from Questionable Content.
"No no no no dammit!"
Michael shoved away from his computer and wished sulkily that he could hit something. Dammit, that was why he played WoW, so he could hit things to his heart's content. And now his sister (or possibly Lars, but probably Danny) was fragging him every chance she got.
The nerve. It was a little brother's prerogative to harass his sister's boyfriends. And he'd missed out on ages of it.
He stuck his tongue out at the screen, then reached for his cane.
There were other methods of harassment.
But he was going to need some help.