Cotton Candy #28. Putting it All Together with Caramel
Story :
knightsRating : G (with much fluffiness)
Timeframe : late 1270's-early 1280's
Word Count : 176
this goes with the
previous piece. It's spoilery, but I've already spoiled this once before, so, oh well.
A hand slid round Mara’s middle, and the tiny form inside wriggled at the touch. The rumble within echoed all around her as her husband chuckled, his chest shaking beneath her head. Shamino brought his chin down to rest on her shoulder, his cheek brushing against her own.
“You know,” he said, soft breath warm against her cheek. Her hand joined his on her swollen stomach and she wound her fingers between his own. “I think I finally know what he meant.”
“Hmm?” Mara angled her neck to glimpse his face.
“Uncle Kairn,” he said, prying his gaze from her belly to meet her eye, “used to tell me my mother loved me.”
“Of course she did.” She gave his hand a squeeze.
There was a sadness in his smile eyes fell back to her middle. “Funny how you can feel so much for someone you’ve never even seen.”
She squeezed him again before dragging her hand up over the arm that held her and letting her head fall back against his chest. “Isn’t it though?”