You were born in an electrical storm.

May 17, 2008 12:00

for wishingwaters.

Molly Hayes 1/1
Name: Ari
Journal: sei_kou_ki

Name: Molly Hayes
Series: Runaways
Gender: PRINCESS - uh, female.
Age: 15
Social Class: Upper middle class.

- Born with two doctors as parents. Cue in the strictly regulated diets, the hours of sports and exercise, the lengthy health speeches warning, “DON’T DO THIS AND THAT, or else you'll DIE”. By and by, however, her parents raised her in a loving, if not pampering, household environment, periodical Disney land trips and all.

- Insert a huge chunk of the typical suburbia life style here with nothing particularly outstanding to brag about. Average grades, average company, average nearly-everything. The only thing that really stood out was her athleticism and her imagination.

- Somewhere around puberty, wholesome living finally added up into something really worthwhile. Her sports career rose to phenomenal heights as her strength reached a height to where no one around could take her on in a good old fashioned arm wrestling competition, not even the big boys.

Seemingly the epitome of innocence and naivety, Molly Hayes has the mentality worthy of the tiny body she’s in with a head full of optimism and a surprise killer punch. Sex, insects, and unlit hallways creep her the hell out, and adults and their weird concepts confuse her. Fists fights and boasting over board games and self-awesomeness are normal occurrences, and politics are reserved for old farts and wrinkly people. Laughter and pleasure, like with most fifteen year olds of her class, are top priority. Every little thing in front of her is subject to question, yet the universe not shown by mommy and daddy is simply overlooked.

Ignorance is bliss. Your childhood is the best time of your life. Et cetera, et cetera.

She keeps her heart on her sleeve, and doesn’t think before she speaks, sometimes coming across as bratty, rude, and tactless. Her morals and sense of justice drive a lot of her actions (Despite her habit of brawling, she’s always the one breaking up fights and asking people, hey, can’t we all get along?). That mentality gets her in trouble a whole lot, but the majority of the time, she gets away scotch free due to her sincerity.

However, Molly isn’t necessarily blind to all evil. She’s not dumb and she’s not selfish - just young and fresh from the proverbial cradle. In a complicated world, she keeps things simple and brutally honest, ruled by her own (mostly accurate) definitions of common sense and logic. Insightfullness just comes naturally to her, without second thought. That in mind, Molly’s a friend easy to find and to keep, if you act accordingly. Loyal to a fault, undeniably fun, and there to get you back up when you’re down and out with that monstrous strength of hers - because it’s just the right thing to do.


Abilities: Athleticism, mostly in strength and in endurance, but after long periods of physical activity, she’s basically knocked out. Also, she's pretty KICK ASS at strategic board games.

Clubs: Boxing club, soccer club.

Why did they choose to go Wishing Waters Academy? Her folks decided that it was a good time to place their special princess in a fresh, new environment, come the start of her “epochal high school career.”

Does your character believe in ghosts?: Yep! And aliens, too, but she won’t admit to either unless scared out of her wits.

Class schedule: 1. World History
2. Biology
3. Beginning Algebra
4. German
5. Basic Physical Education

Room Number: 407
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