Title: Puppy Love
Fandom: Murder in Suburbia
Pairing: Ash/Scribbs
Word Count: 200 (well, 247. Close enough.)
Disclaimer: Murder in Suburbia and its characters are the property of ITV. No infringement intended.
AN: This one came about after reading Dar's drabble with my new puppy jumping at my legs - just some silly fluff, really.
“Scribbs, we cannot possibly keep a dog!”
Ash stared at her blonde partner, unable to believe what Scribbs had suggested. They were already undercover, in the middle of a serial murder investigation, hip-deep in suspects . . . and Emma wanted to adopt a stray they’d found nosing the bins?
“But Ash, look at him!” Scribbs cuddled the wiggly fluffball in her lap, grinning as the puppy licked her chin. The brunette fought off a smile. Granted, he was cute - some small breed, with silky, smoke-and-cream fur. And he did seem to adore a certain DS, judging by his swishing tail. They were certainly an adorable picture together. Still, there were rules to consider, complications -
Twin pairs of pleading hazel eyes fixed on her, and Ash found her resolve crumbling under such sweetness. Heaving a sigh, she dropped to the couch beside her partner. “Fine. We can keep him - ”
“ - but only because your cover is supposed to love animals.” Kate tried to stay serious. “And I expect you to train him. If he has any accidents, Scribbs, I’m warning you - ”
“He won’t.” Scribbs flung an arm around the other woman’s shoulders, hugging her with the puppy balanced between them. “Oh, Ash, you’re the best!” She beamed down at the little mutt, oblivious to her partner’s sudden flush. “Isn’t she tops, Bandit?”
“Bandit?” Ash echoed, blinking. The pup yipped, and she groaned. “Two coppers and a dog named Bandit.”
“Bloody perfect.”