Jul 19, 2006 01:47
As I should hope everyone knows by now, on the 31st of this month, Reidun and I will be going to Uganda for 5 weeks to do a variety of things; for me, among them, photo-journalism.
I will also be working with Reidun to help in whatever way I can with KIDS DAY. Long story short: We're looking for donations. As with last year, the success of Kids Day depends upon whether or not we can get the money together to pay for it. Last year's was a first, and went over VERY well - and so it's happening again.
I will not get preachy about this. I doubt anyone really needs me to anyway. But I will lay out the few details I think are necessary:
If you're able, give $10. If you're able, give more, but $10 seems like something hard to turn away from. All the things you did today with the help of some comfort or amenity that likely you nor me nor any of us would think twice about, these kids don't have. This day is a celebration for them - one we've seen they will richly enjoy, so please help out.
You will have the added benefit of not seeing your donation lost to the overhead of some large non-profit organization. You leave the money with us, and it will, every penny, be used to make some part of that day happen, directly.
More about the trip and where to keep track of me coming soon.
All the best...
EDIT: Because I should have had the forethought to lock comments on this post before I published it - I apologize to everyone who left one - anything to do with money should be handled privately between the two parties exchanging it. If you're interested in donating, contact me at obsidiansun AT gmail dot COM - (sorry for that formatting, I'm avoiding bots)
I'm wearing the same grin,
I take it all on the chin