Friday night, i went over to Kristen's house for her party. so did Lawson, Amanda, Shelby, Kailtyn, and Sara. it was so much fun! we went to go see Beauty Shop. it's hilarous. yall need to go see it. and then we went and rode on the escalators and elevators for like 30 minutes and made people think we were crazy but it was really fun. and then we were waiting for Kristen's mom to come pick us up and Kaitlyn and Sara started talking to this guy named Will. they like fell in love with him! and they didn't get his number to call him either so they were talking about him for the rest of the night and thinking of ways to find him and meet him again. but sadly, i don't think they will ever see him again. :( and then we went back to Kristen's house and played flashlight tag! it was great! but Kaitlyn quit b/c she was too scared but we played to a little while and then went inside and played Killer. very fun game. and then Kaitlyn and Sara fell asleep and Lawson was like half asleep. and then Amanda found a roly poly and we put in on Kaitlyn's face and made it crawl around and stuff and then it fell on her eyelash and we took a bunch of pictures. and me and Amanda played tick tack toe on her ankle and tied her ankles together so she couldn't get up when she tried too. and then we did some other stuff. and i stuck a care bear in Lawson's face and made it talk. she got pissed and she claims she was awake the whole time and knew we were about to it but she was dead asleep. and then we fell asleep around 4 and woke up at like 8. went outside and played rode the four wheeler and played hide and seek for like 4 hours and then went swimming! it was great! the water was freezing but it felt really good. and then we played Dead Man Rise on the trampolian. and then everyone started leaving and i went home. it was great fun! thanks Kristen! and enjoy your new Ciara cd. hahahaha.
Sunday, me and Linh went to the mall with Patrick. it was really fun. i got a new swim suit and it's way awesome. but it looks way better on than off. and then i got 2 shirts and a pair of pants. and then later on when we were home, me and Linh went down to Eric's house with Nick and Brett. and they finally got the go-cart to work! and finally me and Linh get to ride. ok so we were driving around the neighborhood ... and yes i was going really fast but i wasn't running into things and crashing and stuff, and this lady down the street got mad for all the noise so she called the cops on us!! i was like wtf?! and i was just driving and then Linh goes "SHIT! MARIA! A COP! SLOW DOWN!!" and so i stopped it and the cop was like "where do you live?" and i was like "down the street" and he goes "well take the go-cart home and put it away and if i see you on it again i'm gonna call your parents" and i was like wth?! that's so not cool. but yeah ... it was interesting.
Today was boring ... nothing exciting really happened. we have the ARMT test tomorrow and i have to finish Mr. Rodgers project that's also due tomorrow. but all i have to do it the outline or w/e so that shouldn't take too long.
later kids. <3