Character name: Tiffany Aching
Discworld, specifically the
Tiffany series
Age: Almost 16
Canon: On the Discworld, where zombies and the occult are facts of life, being a real witch is not about black cats, cool silver jewelry or dancing around hillsides without your drawers on (unless you were intending to catch a chill). As Tiffany Aching learned, witching is often a thankless job that requires a girl to be a little smarter than most and a lot more willing to do what has to be done.
Somewhere along the way, Tiffany temporarily became the matriarch of a clan of small blue warriors called the Nac Mac Feegle, defeated the Queen of Fairyland and took care of three supernatural stalkers before her sixteenth birthday.
As a working witch, Tiffany shoulders the cares of her rural community along with being the local problem-solver, healer and sometimes veterinarian. Her sense of duty tends to override the cynicism inside her as she tries to do right by her people. Tiffany is keen on learning new things, but can be a bit too literal as a result of growing up on a farm where cheese-making took priority over things like literature. While normally a sensible, pragmatic individual, Tiffany still retains the impulsiveness of youth and a tendency to run towards trouble. Her growing power tends to draw a lot of unwanted attention, but as a witch, she will face them head on or die trying. It's a testament of how seriously Tiffany takes witching as the score so far is Supernatural Occult Forces: 0, Tiffany: 4.
Note: Tiffany is from just after the events of "I Shall Wear Midnight".
Sample Entry:
I'm here--it took a while, but I got here despite the very confusing directions. There was no yellow brick road and that freak hurricane almost took my hat off. I'm sorry about the mess I made in that cornfield while landing the broom, but it'll grow back--that's what plants do. In the meantime, you can charge admission to see the strange not-quite occult imprints in a cornfield and show me to your sheep pens.
The layout of your farm is rather unusual, Farmer Braaaghh, but then again I haven't seen zombies like yourself outside the big cities. I have never seen sheep that go bzzzt either. Where is the sickly one you wanted me to look at? Oh, it's the one on the ground with the sparks flying out from both ends . . . This is not a sheep--it's a clockwork machine of some sort and you'd be better off asking a craftsman or wizard about fixing it. Your sheep seems to be twitching even harder. Stay back please, I think it's going to--going to give birth. I see the problem now--it's coming out the wrong way. Do you have a pair of heavy gloves handy? Thank you. Let's get you out now--slowly . . . and there we go. You seem to be healthy little la--machine.
The sheep should be all right now and you are the proud owner of a mechanical lamb, Farmer Braaaghh. Are there any other animals or people that need seeing to?
You want brains, a new heart and the courage to ask Miss Marcy out . . . I'm sorry, but witches don't grant wishes. That's what fairy godmothers do and we have views about them.
What's a witch good for anyway? You're lucky the other witches aren't around to hear that, Farmer Braaaghh. If you think losing your limbs and having rotting skin are bad, the others can think up of worse things. Like a plague of weasels in your trousers and several sparrows taking up residence in your brain pan. That would, of course, fulfill your first wish, but you will be unfortunately bird-brained and the sight of vigorous wriggling in the trouser region often offends. And as for your third wish, you should be a zombie about it and ask her out--what's the worse that could happen anyway? I really don't think that hanging around her silo all day and watching her while she sleeps is romantic at all.