Stats and Permissions: Tiffany Aching

Apr 24, 2011 09:29

Age: Almost 16 as of the current book.

Height: Short, according to the books.

Weight: Relatively healthy for a teenager growing up in the countryside?

Medical Info: Healthy teenager, has a scar on the palm of her right hand in the shape of her necklace pendent. Some burn scars on her palms too. Has some lean muscle as she works like an adult most of the time.

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Physical traits: Teenager, on the short side, slim, probably quite sturdy from churning all that butter and taking care of the sick.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Most magical stuff is okay. Modern terminology will go right over her head but she will try to learn and misunderstand it completely most of the time.

Abilities: She's a witch. Meaning she has First Sight (the ability to see what's actually there), Second Thoughts and Third Thoughts that are watching her mind and everything else most of the time. And those aren't even magical abilities--just metacognition.

Tiffany's more recent skills include the ability to balance her mind in order to channel energy through herself. She can pull pain out of a patient's body and hold it outside for a very short while before needing to let it go in a rather explosive way (it varies from case to case).

She has the ability to Borrow (which is to go into the minds of animals and ride along for a while) and project herself out of her body. She does not actually read minds but she can feel the shape of them.

In the most recent book, she is able to sense what people leave unsaid or the words that are spilling over in people's minds. Tiffany can read people quite well via observation.

Her power is linked to her affinity for her home--she is closely connected to the hills of the Chalk and the flint foundations under them. So she is able to sense most living things and back at home, she can attain perfect clarity of thought for a moment or so and basically be one with her world.

Her favourite element is fire despite being a witch. Tiffany can also make herself partially invisible by turning off the signals that ping people's perceptions. It's more like blending into the background so that she is practically invisible--she's good enough to fool Granny Weatherwax on a good day.

Non-magical abilities include hedge-witch skills such as taking care of sick people, making herbal remedies, acting as a mid-wife for both humans and animals, taking care of sick animals, being a nosy do-gooder and flying a broomstick (magic brooms on the Disc don't require a magic user to be sitting on them to make them go). She still uses a safety strap and doesn't like to fly very high or fast though. At least she stopped throwing up.

Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Tiffany has the abilities that most witches have--she can see supernatural entities and has met Death at least twice. Her link with her home--the Chalk and the flint heart of the hills--is the source of her power. She has survived possession by the Hiver, an entity of pure awareness that possesses creatures/people in order to gain strength or knowledge, and there are residual voices/memories in her head--the last traces of the people/animals who were not as lucky. Loudest/strongest of the residual voices/memories is Dr. Sensibility Bustle, a wizard with a gift for languages. He wakes up late and can translate several old languages.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure--ask about the shapeshifting and bodyswapping thought because Tiffany has some residual trauma from being possessed by the Hiver and almost possessed by the Cunning Man.

Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Okay--she'll probably blush though.

Maim/Murder/Death: Ask please.

Cooking: She can cook fish and hearty country food well enough, make butter and turn out champion cheeses. Not great at baking as it takes her three tries to make a loaf someone can bite into.

Tiffany is taken from the end of I Shall Wear Midnight.

Tiffany will always be looking around for Feegles, but only Horace the Cheese made it to Camp. Not going to set up a pet journal for the most badass sentient Lancre Blue cheese on the Disc because that's how he rolls. Literally. He was adopted by the Nac Mac Feegles, so rioting, roistering, fighting, getting rascally drunk, knocking people and eating other cheeses around would be fairly normal.

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