Часть 1 Часть 2
74. Участники экспедиции: пёс Шамрах, охранник, переводчик, возчик, разнорабочий [5703. Our party, near Tamgha-Tash. Alt. 9000 ft. March 7, 1911.]
75. Карагана гривастая [5704. Caragana jubata. Almost the only shrub one meets in these inhospitable, cold, sterile and wind-swept mountain regions is the Caragana jubata, which shrub possesses excellent sand binding qualities. A few Ephedras also persist in existing in such uncongenial surroundings. Near Tamgha-Tash, Chinese Turkestan (Thian Shan) Alt. 9000 ft. March 7, 1911.]
76. Ледник Музарт [5705. Mussart glacier. March 8, 1911.]
77. Караван экспедиции на леднике Музарт [5706. Mussart Glacier. Our caravan on the dreaded Mussart or Ice Pass. March 8, 1911.]
78. Ледник Музарт [5708. Mussart Glacier. Nearing the end of the great Mussart glacier after a six hour march. March 8, 1911.]
79. Постоялый двор за перевалом Музарт [5709. Mussart Pass. Resthouse near Kayerlik beyond Mussart Pass. March 9, 1911.]
80. Постоялый двор за перевалом Музарт [5710. Mussart Pass. Another view of the rest house. Alt. 10,200 ft. March 10, 1911.]
81. Ель Шренка [5711. Picea Schrenkiana. The morth side of a mountain most extraordinarily densely clothed with forests of Thian Shan spruce. Altitude about 8,000 ft. Near Idin-Kul, Chinese Turkestan (Thian Shan). March 10, 1911.]
82. Ель Шренка [5712. Picea Schrenkiana. On the banks of a frozen stream. The dense forest of Thian Shan spruces descend right to the water's edge. Near Idin-Kul, Chinese Turkestan (Thian Shan). March 10, 1911.]
83. Ель Шренка [5713. Picea Schrenkiana. Towering specimens of the Thian Shan spruces. These trees when getting older become quite cylindrical in shape and would be of extraordinary value as avenue trees on great estates in the northwestern parts of Europe and of North America. Near Idin-Kul, Chinese Turkestan (Thian Shan). March 10, 1911.]
84. Ель Шренка [5714. Picea Schrenkiana. A somewhat open forest of tall Thian Shan spruces. These trees reach a height of close to 200 ft. with trunks 4 ft in diam. and they supply an excellent white lumber. They need however, apparently cool temperatures to thrive in and seem to love rocky soils. Near Idin-Kul, Chinese Turkestan (Thian Shan). March 10, 1911.]
85. Ель Шренка [5715. Near Idin-Kul. March 10, 1911.]
86. Окрестности селения Шати [5716. Near Schutte. The country becomes more level again and the climate apparently drier. Alt. 7,500 ft. March 10, 1911.]
87. Переводчик и чиновники калмыцкого селения Шати [5717. The officials of the Kalmuch settlement of Schutte came out to meet us. March 10, 1911.]
88. Шати. Навьючивание лошадей [5718. Schutte. Packing up the packhorses. March 10, 1911.]
89. Место ночлега: дом в селении, расположенном в долине Текеса [5719. Tchoa, Techex Valley. The house where we stopped for the night. March 15, 1911.]
90. Мост через Текес [5720. Tchoa, Techex Valley. The peculiar bridge across the Tekee River. March 16, 1911.]
91. Дикий абрикос [5721. Wild apricot trees.]
92. Яблоня Сиверса [5722. Malus sp. A large single growing specimen of a wild apple. These trees are probably of very great value as hybridizing material. Valley of Chong Ojighilan. Thian Shan, Chinese Turkestan. Alt. 3,700 ft. March 18, 1911.]
93. Отдых у реки [5723. The horses are driven in the water. March 21, 1911.]
94. Киргизское кочевье [5724. The Kirghiz Encampment. April 20, 1911.]
95. Стоянка на проталине [5725. Our camp on a spot where the snow had melted. April 22, 1911.]
96. Можжевельник [5726. Juniperus sp. Juniperus bushes, scattered all over the mountain sides, but especially found on the south slopes where spruces do not grow. These junipers are useful in the way that they prevent the stony debris from sliding down in great masses. Alt. 9,500 feet. Near Santai, Chinese Turkestan. April 22, 1911.]
97. Пихта сибирская [5727. Picea sibirica. Forests of spruces on the north slopes of mountains. Of less vigorous growth than in the Thian Shan regions. Altitude over 9,000 feet. Near Santai, Chinese Turkestan. April 22, 1911.]
98. Пихта сибирская [5728. Picea sibirica. Scattered clumps of spruces on the north slopes of mountains. A well wooded region for this part of the world. Altitude over 9,000 feet. Near Santai, Chinese Turkestan. April 22, 1911.]
99. Ревень колосовидный [5729. Rheum spiciforme. A very rosy curious species of wild rhubarb. Mongolia. April 28, 1911.]
100. Место ночлега [5730. The deserted house in which we spent the night. April 29, 1911.]
101. Город Чугучак [5731. View of Chugutchak. May 4, 1911.]
102. Ива (Чугучак, вид через ворота) [5732. Salix sp. Vista through one of the city gates of Chugutchak on a road lined with bushy willow trees. These willows seem to be able to stand more drouth and alkali than the taller growing species do. They are apparently indigenous to these regions here. Chugutchak, Mongolia. May 14, 1911.]
103. Лоба, или китайская (маргеланская) редька [5677. Raphanus sativus. A few roots of the Ching loba, a most excellent Chinese winter radish. Chugutchak, Mongolia. May 17, 1911.]
104. Лоба, или китайская (маргеланская) редька [5678. Raphanus sativus. A few roots of the Ching loba, a most excellent Chinese winter radish. Chugutchak, Mongolia. May 17, 1911.]
105. Кизяки [5733. Dung shaped into cakes and dried for fuel. May 17, 1911.]
106. Лагерь в степи [5734. Our camping place in the midst of a semi-dried plain. May 19, 1911.]
107. Пион. Окрестности
Зайсанска, на китайской территории [5735. Paeonia sp. A beautiful wild peony, having medium large carmine red flowers and glossy, gracefully cut foliage of dark green color, growing on rather stony and sterile places. Deserves to be introduced as a spring flowering plant for gardens and parks in Northern U.S. Near Saisansk, but on Chinese territory. May 21, 1911.]