Fox is eight weeks old, or will be in about seven hours.
We are still pursuing co-lactation; for those of you who might be interested in trying it, a useful key phrase for both doctors and Google is "the Newman-Goldfarb protocol". A more detailed entry on this whole saga eventually.
And the rest of this is under a cut, for the sake of those not interested in babies. )
Comments 17
We mostly sang They Might be Giants, Weird Al, and Jonathan Coulton songs to Five initially. Now, though, he very much likes "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" and "If you're happy and you know it." So those have become the defaults. Although "Still Alive" still creeps in pretty regularly.
Has Fox encountered a ceiling fan yet? Those are the BEST.
I have some memories of the period before language comprehension when I could sing the Rational Baby's Drinking Song verse after verse to sublimate the frustration of trying to feed mine.
Thank you for the report! Fox is clearly an excellent baby.
I am a voice in support of your singing whatever songs you know as lullabies. Murder ballads with non-child-appropriate content are fantastic for lulling children, and if they keep the adults entertained/laughing at the clash of ideas, all the better. My parents went right on singing "Maddy Groves" and "Lord Thomas and Fair Ellender" over baby me until I was well old enough to understand what was going on in them, and I don't think that did me any harm. (Unbiased observers may differ.) I did grow up a ballad obsessive, of course, and I think that helped.
For the record, I've been told that "Down by the Greenwood Sidey," aka "The Cruel Mother," works well to induce sleep in small children, but I haven't tested this on children old enough to understand that it's about infanticide.
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