Russ (Norwegian), rus (Danish) and Russ (Swedish) is a cultural phenomenon and tradition in the
Scandinavian countries
Norway and
Denmark. In Norway, students who graduate from
high school are called russ and celebrate with festivities (
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Comments 7
what is :D?
where are You in the userinfo photo?
Never mind, I'll try to change the state of affaires...
emotions I'll try to take in mind, in our's LJ's the letters usually lacked.
I mean group photo in your userinfo
Wish good days in your Rus(s)-time!
I think your english is more understandable than mine, I always type wrong though.. I am quite sure that I've so many mistakes in my sentences lol
Ah, I see. Which letters do you mean? =/
Oh, well it's not my picture. It's just a pic I like :-)
Thank you! Wish you good and sweet times too :-)
This assumption is derived from the journals of Arabian diplomat Ibn Fadlan, who encountered these peeps on the Volga in 922 AD.
"I saw the Rus when they arrived on their trading mission and anchored
at the River Atul [Volga]. Never had I seen a people of more perfect physique; they are tall as date palms, and reddish in colour. they wear neither coat nor mantle, but each man carries a cape which covers one half of his body, leaving one hand free...Each woman carries on her bosom a container made of iron, copper, silver or gold -- its size and substance depending on her mans wealth."
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