Title: Untitled
Fandom: Original
Characters/Pairing: unnamed female
Table/Community: Wings
thousandtablesPrompt: 07. Wax Wings
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: implied bondage
Word Count: 100
Summary: it slides along her skin
Notes: none really, Unbeta'd
Wax is slowly poured onto her back. Drip, drip, drip, it falls from the candle. It spreads out over her shoulder blades, sliding along her skin, leaving a most pleasant burn. It distracts her, draws her in, pulls her out of everything. She lives for this, this sweet escape from reality. Escape from her husband, her children, her work. She wouldn’t give them up, but sometimes, she just wishes they were gone. So she looses herself in the faint pain, the sweet burn. She surrenders herself to those wings that are poured over her back and dreams of promised liberty.