Original Fic: Prologue

Jun 04, 2010 03:32

Title: Prologue
Author/Artist: russet_m
Rating: G
Fandom: Original
Characters: n/a
Pairing: n/a
Theme: #10 Forgotten
Table 365_themes
Genre/s: Fantasy
Warnings: n/a
Words: 331
Summary: Things unseen can be forgotten
Disclaimer/Claimer: Original fic, copyright russet_m
A/N: self beta’d if you notice any glaring errors please tell me.

The dragons lived on the other side of the world, they had lived there for as long as man could remember. Cloistered away on their own continent, not refusing visitors, but never letting them stray from the grand costal settlements, at least that is what the tales said, humans from the eastern continent had not entered the kingdom nor crossed the sea in many generations. The dragon wars put a stop to travel, but those wars were so very long ago that they were shrouded in myth. With the passing of centuries the belief in dragons waned, becoming merely fairy tales of beautiful cities and talking beasts. Out of sight out of mind the saying went. With long absence of proof the idea of great beasts grew to be more and more absurd to the people of the eastern continent. Without the reminders of seeing the great western ships and the tall dragon men that sailed upon them it became easy to rationalize them into nothing more than sensationalist tales. The thought of lizards that walked like men and great flying reptiles became to absurd to possibly find true, things for the young to dream of, and for parents to frighten naughty children with. Rationalizing the tales into natives dressed in costume and simple trained beasts became easier and easier to do.
As national pride and unification swept through the eastern continent talk of building great ships and sailing across the vast ocean grew, of establishing colonies on those exotic shores, building an empire that would last for ages. Conquest they imagined would be easy, they figured that the people of the western continent must be like the savages in the south and in that dwelled on the islands, for if they were as great as the tales told why had they remained hidden for so very long.
Talk grew and they made themselves ready, ready to cross the sea to settle new lands and to spread civilization to the savages.

fic: original, 365_themes, fic: across the western sea, genre: fantasy

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