Kids, there is a place and time for everything….(Chef)
Inspired by trusty NASDAQ, which according to yahoo finance page propelled today up towards the heavens of the rich by more than 3%, I opened my first ever brokerage account. We'll see where I end up with it a year from now. For now though, ten grand worth of nice and crispy Benjamin’s have been placed in prime money market account. There are sitting there, somewhere in the electronic database of Wall Street computer, waiting for the chess master to make his next brilliant move.
Why ten grand? It’s an even number, which should make my amazing profit margin calculations a quick delight just like an orgasm. One grand was deemed insufficient due to pesky transaction charges and the fact that it’s simply not exciting enough to keep me focused on the project. By investing a considerable amount of money I also hope that it will encourage me to read up more on finance, which is on itself is very big achievement.
In general, I am not a gambler. I can’t stand even playing Yahoo Texas Holdem on fake money. I’ve been to a Casino few times with friends, losing a total of $10 on a horrible slot machine. Not exciting. I do not understand those people. But looking at this stock market charts…man…there’s got to be a pattern to it. Did anyone try approximating the data in matlab? First derivative of that function will give you extreme points, does anyone still remember Sir Newton’s method if intervals? Not very healthy…
In any case, I shell promptly report exactly one year from now on the status of my project.