I survived my weekend cookie making crisis. It really didn't help that I was running a fever while attempting cookies, then again I suppose I have to be delirious if I decide that cookie baking is a good idea. No fever this morning though. Running a fever for no reason always worries me... it could be anything... and then the little hypochondriac in me goes wild...
Christmas is coming closer each moment and I still need to do Christmas cleaning (or you know any type of cleaning, I was supposed to do it this weekend, but the cookie baking took more time and effort than expected and left me not feeling like doing much at all) and decide whether or not I want a Christmas tree and in that case if I should brave the real live tree or go for a plastic one. I mean I'm fine with the live tree as long as I don't like touch it or like sleep in the same room as it (some times it's better than others, no idea why)... that'd mean I'd have to go sleep somewhere that isn't the living room, which would not necessarily be a bad thing. I could like actually spend time upstairs instead of just always having all the doors closed up there.
And then I realised that my old Christmas decorations in silver and blue just won't go with the current colour scheme in the living room. And further thinking left me with the realisation that most likely copper and gold would be the way to go. Firstly... urgh... I don't like them. Secondly, this means all new Christmas decorations, these things cost money. There's some red and gold stuff at home... but... uh... I wonder if you could combine those colours tastefully... I hate it if there's too many colours, just makes it so gaudy.
This is the point where I started wondering about why I'm thinking about Christmas decorations in the first place. It's not like I really care. It's just that I never spent a Christmas in that house when there wasn't a Christmas tree in the living room. That's around twenty Christmases. So it just feels wrong not to do something, no matter the fact that personally I don't give a... uh... I mean I don't really care for Christmas.
The animals will love a Christmas tree I'm sure. Oh... well, me and Kerttu will go tree hunting in the forrest I guess. We will steals the tree from aunt's forrest. Cost effective. We will have to steals the axe or saw or whatever from them too, cause I haven't located any at home yet.
Yes, I am quite sure Kerttu will have fun with any eventual tree decorations. They will be eaten. And the cats will love those dangling stuffs too. I remember back when I was a kid the Christmas tree fell over a lot, though the animal's didn't actually try playing with the stuff that much, so there is hope. It's not that difficult to straighten the tree up every once in awhile... well except for the part were, if I touch it I'll probably itch for the rest of the day, but this is why gloves were invented.
On the subject of the animals. Romeo is all better, he's walking again and jumping and running too, so all is good. He's horribly thin still, looks horrible, but since he is eating, it's getting better. Kerttu has gotten picky about her food though... again. Ah, well. At least she still eats some. At least now we should be able to go on walks that are slightly longer since the whether is less than horrible. I'm not liable to break any bones the moment I step out and that the annoying wetness is gone so there will be no bleeding on the part of the dog, hopefully. Gah! Of course I knew when procuring a pincher that they tend to have their ears dry and get sores on them or whatever, but denial is a way of life you know. It's that case of yes, but that kind of stuff happens to other people, not me.
On the case of denial, I do think that Hampus might be pregnant, or she's getting fat, or sick again... See, I dun't really know what to hope for there. Though I have no idea when she would have had the opportunity to get pregnant. Of course once is enough and it's not like she doesn't sneak out now and then, but I'm quite certain she hasn't been in heat since we did the ultra and realised she was very sick indeed. Then once she got better I just haven't had the money to have her sterilized so I mean it's a possiblity. It just usually doesn't happen around this time of year. Ah, well... I guess it's time to check the bank account and then call the vet. One sterilization soonish... if I has the money. I could try bugging brother he might cover the bill, it's not like the cat is mine anyways.