Because I'll never remember all this shit if I don't write it up somewhere. Updated December 5th 2008.
Discedo Essentials
Current residence: Latimir 512.
Chip status: In, location unknown.
No of city deaths: One (1).
Headcanon (MGS people, feel free to paunch me if I get stuff hideously wrong, mmk?)
- Born in Normandy on June 6th, 1944. Grew up in a Philosophers training camp in the States.
- Fluent in both English and Russian. He speaks both languages as well as any native but can sometimes slip into a slight accent, usually when he's spoken nothing but English/Russian for a longer period of time.
- Despite being a trained spy and generally well spoken he has no real casual social skills. He's good at faking it though. : |
- He's a hopeless showoff, but doesn't really see it that way himself. For him image means a lot and he can be quite vain at times, so when people dismiss it as useless bragging he tends to get pissed off.
- Picked up the fancy gunmoves on a whim and discovered that he had a talent for it. It only escalated when he started with the revolvers.
- The revolver spinning isn't just for show, it's also a way for him to concentrate and prepare before battle. He has a tendency to reach for his revolvers whenever he needs to focus or is uncertain about something.
- Has no qualms about killing but despises unnecessary waste of lives, mostly because people tend to be easier to use when they're alive. He did not like the fact that Volgin killed Granin without gaining anything from it (except for pure sadistic satisfaction).
- On that note: that is the main reason why he takes an interest in torture interrogation. It's a lot more satisfying to intimidate and pressure someone into talking, not to mention the thrill of threading the fine line between too much and not enough.
- Enjoys reading for purely educational purposes when he gets the chance, but isn't really interested in fiction unless it's relevant to his mission/could come in handy.
- Always plans way ahead, even to the point of thinking out possible scenarios and conversations.
- Sent to Russia in 1960 at the age of 16. Was underestimated because of his age for some time, most people thought he was just recieving special treatment because of his heritage. He has since then proven that he's really good at what he does and earned the respect from his employers and subordinates. Still get's the occasional "But he's so young!" which is another reason for his constant need to prove himself.
- He has a very good memory and perceptive skills, as long as he doesn't get too excited about something. As long as he can keep his head cool there's little he won't notice.
- He doesn't understand children due to his upbringing and the lack of interaction with the younger population. Never had any urge to start a family of his own (and he would make a terrifying father in any case).
- Likes markhors, for reasons unknown (until I make some up)
- One (1) uniform Destroyed in the Heaven Smile attack, later burned.
- One (1) pair of uniform trousers.
- One (1) pair of boots.
- One (1) pair of gloves.
- One (1) red scarf.
- Two (2) knitted wool sweaters, picked up in Discedo. One gray, one petrolium blue.
- Two (2) shirts, picked up in Discedo.
- Assorted underwear and socks.
- Two (2) Single Action Army revolvers.
- 00 bullets. Ran out of ammo near the end of the Heaven Smile plot.
- One (1) survival knife.
- One (1) tattered notebook, picked up in Discedo.
- Two (2) ball point pens, picked up in Discedo.
- One (1) bar of soap, picked up in Discedo
IC notes and knowledge Written down by hand in the notebook, no copy available on the communicator.
Chips - power surpressing abilities. Mood altering (details on previous event?). Possible tracking device? Removable, current location unknown.
Registers vital signs? (re death and revival)
ADD: previous event lasted one or two weeks, causing different reactions depending on the individual. Constant aggression, depression and/or moodswings.
Scientists - Can retrieve anyone regardless of time and physical state (revival from death). Returning individuals may or may not keep memories of previous visits - memory wipe? - possible that the same thing is done to current residents?
Brings back the ones who die within the city (rechipped). Tracking through chips Surveillance system? Sky flicker
Able to shut off superhuman powers even after chip removal.
Five in total, three female, two male. Location unknown, underground (sewer system?) and outside of city possible theories.
John Summers - connected to the scientists. Diseased.
Social interactions encouraged with electric shocks. connected to possible reproduction theory?
Discedo - Wiped out not to long ago. Atropos virus - internal organ failure. Cure found. No recent known outbreaks.
No confirmed human life outside of the city - isolated on purpose?
Food supplies low but never empty (longest known stay - one year. Foodsupplies most likely empty under normal conditions). Restocked by the scientists?
Purpose - possible theories: scientific experiment. Rebuilding and reproduction - does not explain sudden disappearances or arrival of more/less capable individuals.
News broadcast - broadcasted on every screen despite lack of electricity. Three anchors: Holly Henderson (weather), Molly Krantz (news) and Steven Gordon (monster report). Information seems in parts accurate, further observations needed. possible manipulation/propaganda Connection to scientists?
Current threats - "Queen Bee, three silver haired men (...) Well, let's see. The three resident silver-haired, leather fetishists are basically designed weapons. They're not gonna be as super-special-awesome with their chips, but... None of them are to be underestimated. They're all unfortunately very talented, skilled and cruel.And then there's the Queen Bee, who's uh... Let's say if she gets her chip out, Discedo is officially done for. And if she asks for it, the other three will go by any means necessary to find it's location."
Queen needs to be eliminated first. Observe for now.
October 29th - Made contact with
octaslash a.k.a Sephiroth. Confident, but not impossible to communicate with.
October 31st - First kill.
ladys_grace a.k.a. Grace Garland. Showed little remorse, treats victims "equal". Not after a challenge, pure bloodlust.
October 31st - Made contact with the Queen Bee,
heavenscrisis a.k.a. Jenova. Intelligent, well spoken. Further observations needed.
ADD: "consistently poisoned the planet for 2000 years" (...) "if you get infected, that's pretty much your life over. If that happens, you belong to them."
October 31st - Halloween murder, see Sephiroth.
November 3rd - Satellite crash in the town hall.
November 3rd - 5th(?) - Heaven Smiles outbreak, triggered by the satellite crash.
November 12th - First news broadcast.
Frequencies [bold indicates that the name is known IC. ]
returnzero John [INVALID FREQUENCY]
cougar_78 Eva
speakofthedead The Sorrow [INVALID FREQUENCY]
feelthefear The Fear [INVALID FREQUENCY]
nomakothx Reno
assigning Elena
leatherrr Mello[INVALID FREQUENCY]
otheboysawonder Robin
notzombiefood Chris Redfield
holy_fuuraiken Ky Kiske
priceoftruth Ed
octaslash Sephiroth
heavenscrisis Jenova [INVALID FREQUENCY]
fullofmsg Naruto
zawarudo Dio
satsujin-ai Seichirou
solid_courage Solid Snake[INVALID FREQUENCY]
reawakens Albert Wesker
aintpretty Logan [INVALID FREQUENCY]
a_naked_flame Killer.
prodigal_axe Shinji.
dlihcraw Yuriy Ivanov
purgatory_maren Minato Arisato
claudo Javaid.
accido Ace