Good to hear from you again, I was wondering how you liked the prot changes. One of my best friends is a full time prot pally and he's been loving the recent changes so much, it's like he's playing a new game again.
Things are a little tougher on the ret side of the class that I raid as. Still not sure where/how things will end up, but being a little bi-polar seems to be part of specing ret, so what can you do.
One of the things I'm most looking forward too is the new heroics and the 5 man timed/conditioned achievements. It will give my friends and I something to do until raiding kicks into full swing, but also something to do with each other outside of raid times. Some of our best memories of TBC were the early heroics and taking on the challenges together, and I can't believe how excited we all are for that opprotunity again.
The Prot changes are really great. It's quite a shame that we wasn't given Shield of the Righteous at 70 but what can you do? Given that, it's scary to think where our threat is right now considering SotR is the biggest chunk of our threat. It wasn't incredibly fun on beta though honestly. It had pretty much no graphic and no sound effect. I believe the former is fixed but not the latter
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Ah ya the prot issues are certainly there. But I still feel the most important question is "can your guild mt be a paladin?" and I believe the answer is yes. That really overrides all the little pains in the ass that still pop up now and then
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Grats on KJ! I think I can honestly say that is the only fight I actually enjoy in Sunwell. Brutallis isn't so bad, because it is one of the few fights I get to flex my DPS ego on!
I think for leveling, I plan to get a midnight release, instance grind the first few levels with some friends. A few of us have taken some time off work, so it should be a lot of fun!
I meant to make a comment on your LJ when you posted that you killed Kil'jaeden but never got around to it for whatever reason. Belated congrats on that and also on your ascent through the game. That was nice to see!
Comments 6
Things are a little tougher on the ret side of the class that I raid as. Still not sure where/how things will end up, but being a little bi-polar seems to be part of specing ret, so what can you do.
One of the things I'm most looking forward too is the new heroics and the 5 man timed/conditioned achievements. It will give my friends and I something to do until raiding kicks into full swing, but also something to do with each other outside of raid times. Some of our best memories of TBC were the early heroics and taking on the challenges together, and I can't believe how excited we all are for that opprotunity again.
I think for leveling, I plan to get a midnight release, instance grind the first few levels with some friends. A few of us have taken some time off work, so it should be a lot of fun!
I meant to make a comment on your LJ when you posted that you killed Kil'jaeden but never got around to it for whatever reason. Belated congrats on that and also on your ascent through the game. That was nice to see!
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