Grats dude! We got this down a few weeks ago, largely because of attendance issues around christmas/new year's. But that's a "problem" I love to see in a fairly serious raiding guild(people putting their lives first and all).
As far as JoL, the hell with you! Finally I wont have to be constantly vigilanced or in dire risk of ripping off tanks just to supply the healing bonus(and it's quite large, 10-14% of overall on most fights for effective heals). That was so frustrating.
Have you done the 10man one yet? We've chainwiped on it for maybe...3 nights now and been so close, just to realize our Druid tank is undergeared by about 500HP to make sure we win. Last night cost 300g in repairs, two flasks, two stacks of food; best attempt of the night, Druid gets overkilled by the shad+vesp breath by 3 dmg...
I hate the randomness of Sarth so much sometimes. Actually, most times.
We haven't done 10+3 yet, in fact we still haven't even done 10+2.
We made one night of attempts on 10+2 and it was frustrating. As a melee heavy group, Tenebron's constant trips out into the lava meant that our DPS was going down a lot. We couldn't consistently get him down before a second wave of whelps spawned so when the trash respawned we wiped that out along with Vesperon and did him with just a single drake up.
Feeling that consumables would give us the edge we needed, I planned it for the following week only for our Holy Priest to have to reinstall the game. We just said "fuck it" and did Naxx, Malygos and Sart+1 on our alts.
The following week though, we tried Sart+2 on our alts and it actually felt pretty doable. As in, if we got on our mains we could one shot it. We'll likely be trying it on Saturday but I'm not sure how comfortable +3 is going to be with the new changes.
Comments 3
I'm still always picturing you as a Tarutaru though.. heh.. *lurks more*
As far as JoL, the hell with you! Finally I wont have to be constantly vigilanced or in dire risk of ripping off tanks just to supply the healing bonus(and it's quite large, 10-14% of overall on most fights for effective heals). That was so frustrating.
Have you done the 10man one yet? We've chainwiped on it for maybe...3 nights now and been so close, just to realize our Druid tank is undergeared by about 500HP to make sure we win. Last night cost 300g in repairs, two flasks, two stacks of food; best attempt of the night, Druid gets overkilled by the shad+vesp breath by 3 dmg...
I hate the randomness of Sarth so much sometimes. Actually, most times.
We made one night of attempts on 10+2 and it was frustrating. As a melee heavy group, Tenebron's constant trips out into the lava meant that our DPS was going down a lot. We couldn't consistently get him down before a second wave of whelps spawned so when the trash respawned we wiped that out along with Vesperon and did him with just a single drake up.
Feeling that consumables would give us the edge we needed, I planned it for the following week only for our Holy Priest to have to reinstall the game. We just said "fuck it" and did Naxx, Malygos and Sart+1 on our alts.
The following week though, we tried Sart+2 on our alts and it actually felt pretty doable. As in, if we got on our mains we could one shot it. We'll likely be trying it on Saturday but I'm not sure how comfortable +3 is going to be with the new changes.
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