yeah i'm in Mrs. T's study... not much goin on. will lee is watching the second half of gladiator. he's watching it for the war scene alone. sorta sad. oh well... it's interesting anyways
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yeah. i had MICCA finals today. it was definitely the best performance we've had this year. we got silver. i personally thought we deserved gold. i was psyched. really psyched.
so yeah other than that, i'm really tired, my schoolwork is biting me in the ass, and nothing else is up.
not much here. not much there. i'm hated and loved and i'm just plain confused i'll hope for the best but i'll settle for the worst so here's to yesterday and here's to today and here's to tomorrow
hope for the best prepare for the worst be happy with what you
{all original} "all unique} {{but rants} ][are not always]->