Title: Less Than a Ship
Fandom: FFVII AC - Post Advent Children
Characters: Elena x Barret
Rating: R
Format: One-shot
Status: Complete, unpolished, spellchecked.
Words: 749
Summary: What happens when you try to be something you aren't?
Disclaimer: I don't claim ownership of characters or games, only themes within.
Author's Notes: Goaded on by
venefica_aura in a
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Comments 2
2) Why did they? Was it because they were spurned, or they didn't try to be involved with the other person?
3) Did Barret search Elena out, or was it just random?
4) Do people know where he goes?
For realz.
Oh people with their boundaries and prejudices and it's WONDERFUL. AND YOU DID IT WITH PORN.
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