Title: An Enthusiasm For Breathing
Fandom: FFX
Characters: Rikku x Wakka
Rating: G
Format: Crapass Drabble
Status: Complete, polished, spellchecked.
Words: 300
Disclaimer: I don't claim ownership of characters or games, only themes within.
delladella's theme of "FFX- IN SPACE".
Author's Notes: Crossposted to
ff_100, and because I COULD. Aha. Uh.
An Enthusiasm For Breathing
Wakka's head jerked up and the back of it hit the ceiling of the cramped airlock. Rikku bore down on him like an angry bee.
“Don't touch that,” she said and snatched the... whatever-it-was... machina bit away from him. He wrinkled his nose and tried to rub the back of his head, but bonked his elbow against the wall. Al Bhed spaceships weren't meant for Besaid blitzers. What had she been thinking, inviting him up here?
“Um,” he ventured, pointing at the... thing. “What is it?”
“It's an advance timing device, and it fits right here.” She pointed at a depression in the wall, and he figured that maybe the piece and the wall fit together like jigsaw puzzles, but only if you squinted real hard and titled your head. He did, and smacked it again, wincing.
“So, uh,” Wakka said, as he looked around, trying not to move his head so much. That seemed the clever thing right now, since he wasn't doing much else that was clever.
“What's it do? It's controlled by this carbon-dioxide measurement tool; don't touch it! It's sensitive.” His hands got slapped; he mumbled and stuck them in his pockets. “When this thing tells it, depending on how hard we breathe, it speeds up the air cleaning combustion chamber, clearing most of the carbon dioxide from our system! Pops thought it up, and if you'd dropped it, we probably woulda suffocated!”
She looked so cheerful at that thought (death, he supposed, to her was the next big discovery) that he went a little pale under his tan.
“So,” he said, switching topics, “it's controlled by how hard we... breathe?” The gears ticked forward in his head and he smirked, reaching out to grab her while her back was turned.