Title: Heart's Empire: Chapter One
Fandom: FFXII
Characters: Larsa, Penelo, Balthier, Fran
Warnings: Light sexual themes in the beginning, fading to adult content towards the end.
Format: Chaptered
Status: Complete, polished, spellchecked.
Words: 3558
Disclaimer: I don't claim ownership of characters or games, only themes within.
Summary: Set
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Comments 4
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I was worried the conversation between Balthier and Penelo was a bit much, so you've reassured me.
SUSPICIONS, YOU SAY. Why ever so? ;)
Once more, a couple of little typos:
"Surely they had gotten used to the idea of him not obeying their every desire since he took the reigns of the empire" This would be reins.
"Her back arch and she shrieked," Should be "arched."
"The smile that spread across her face was worth and distress his absence " "and" should probably be "any"?
And thanks lots for catching the typos. :P I am lazy and must rely on your kindness. Thanks. :)
Everything coheres and flows beautifully from the first part (which I loved greatly!) and I can't wait to see what Larsa's reaction to Penelo being in Archades-- in the very seat of his power!-- will be. Surely four years is enough for him to forget his wife and start looking for a new woman in his life... especially if said new woman is someone he's probably harbored feelings for before, right? ;)
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